City of Cleveland
Project Area Map
City of Cleveland - MOCAP

Payne Avenue Rehabilitation

East 13th Street to East 30th Street

Phase I

Lane Configuration

Lane Configuration

Payne Avenue operates today as a four (4) lane road, two (2) lanes in each direction with on street parking.  The current lane configuration offers excess capacity which can lead to high speeds and present safety concerns. 

As part of the Payne Avenue Rehabilitation Project vehicular, bike and pedestrian safety enhancements were given top priority.  Once completed Payne Avenue will be reduced to one lane in each direction which will calm traffic.

The lane configuration presented at the June 14th, 2023, public meeting proposed one 11’ travel lane in each direction with adjacent 6’ bike lanes, 3’ door buffer zones, and 8’ parking lanes. Based on stakeholder feedback in the summer of 2023, the City has engaged Stantec, a consulting firm with experience designing protected bike lanes in other cities, to evaluate if parking-protected bike lanes are safe and feasible for Payne Avenue. Stantec will develop a revised striping plan for the project following their assessment. The City anticipates having an update to share with the community on the results of this work in late summer of 2024. Updated striping plans will be posted to this page once the lane configuration is confirmed.